Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Living Without Technologies

Today question; how do we live without technologies ?... Mmmmmmm ... gonna be uneasy, I bet. But I have my own thinking these last days about this. I've realized how strong I bound and depend on these all... and I do hate it....

I feel I change to someone else because of these technologies. And I believe overall culture also changes because of technologies, for sure.

I remember, a long time ago people would strongly commit to what they promised. For example, when they promised to come at 5 pm, they will do their best to make it. But now, technology changes culture, they can be so easy calling from somewhere and say sorry for being late... Seems things are okay after saying sorry and noticed it by phone or text... Sad..

Relationship between man and women were more sacral, they will think more times to say 'love they feel', as they have to say it directly, and take a risk if being refused. What happened now ? People will be very easy telling how they feel, by SMS, by Facebook, by Twitter, email or whatsoever.. and they do not need to take emotional risk of being refused, shy, disappointed etc. Technology changes it at the end ....

And I have experience on how this technologies changes me to be impatient person. I can be so much disappointed or mad just because I call my family, or my friends, or my staffs and not being picked up, or I will be impatient when I text someone and wait for the response etc. Compare to a long time ago, if we sent letter, we could bear a week lead time or even more if between countries.

Beside, this technologies - true - has made things easier at one side, especially at the job. But because it's easier, lean, then information run faster, and they require a quick response too. So, we move according to their movement, and we even be busy to take a look at our Blackberry all the time to check emails - personal and business -, text messages, fb, BBM, pick up the call, making a call, etc..

Technologies is being a need. People, or organization rush to get their updated one, as having the newest technology will support them to be more efficient, productive and of course more competitive. These all are the benefit.

So how to live without technologies ? Guys, I've dreamed of being back to basic, having a very simple life as our ancient had a long time ago. Going somewhere by horse, no electricity, no pollution, no gun.... Life seems so calm, relax, enjoyable, ... But when I told my hubby about it, can you guess what he said ? " Common, lady... you even can't stay away from Air Condition, you hate mosquitoes, and you do love shopping at mall, love to go by plane, love to bla bla bla .." hehe... True,.... So, it's impossible to run against the world movement... we have to adapt, if we want to survive. As said by Darwin, it is not the cleverest or strongest one who will survive, but the most adaptive to the change ...

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